Why you should always arrive at Mont St Michel at night on your bike in a rainstorm!

There are many ways to arrive at Mont St Michel but by bike in the dark in a rain storm is one I would recommend highly. Why turn up in a chauffeur driven car, a taxi, a horse drawn carriage or even one of the free push me pull me buses (the driver can drive … More Why you should always arrive at Mont St Michel at night on your bike in a rainstorm!

Remembering the dignity of freedom in a small town in Normandy

Escaping the heat of a 24 degree October day in a small ferry terminus near Fouras in Southern France with a still sea view and an hour or so to kill before a boat can take me to the home Napoleon lived in before he was exiled to Saint Helena I find myself with time … More Remembering the dignity of freedom in a small town in Normandy

How I came to miss the Bayeux tapestry and was surprised on the toilet by a French doctor

I am a hypochondriac traveller. I have something in one of my bags for anything that might happen to me on this trip. From an Emergency survival kit and storm shelter, down to first aid kit and a pair of tweezers. I even bought rescue remedy. I have never bought rescue remedy before not having … More How I came to miss the Bayeux tapestry and was surprised on the toilet by a French doctor